September 29th, 2006 by Kevork
I remember reading something, somewhere, years and years ago that gave me a prime directive. Like a seed that can germinate years later, it nestled itself in my brain. I will now share this defining element with you, but please do not wait as long as I did. There is a beer that has a red tailed bird on its label. If you see it, buy it, because it will be one of the best beers of your life.
While at a local ‘SUPER BEER AND WINE WAREHOUSE OHMYGOODNESS!’ I spied two candidates. Immediately, like in Robocop, I saw the prime directive before me
R.E.D T.A.I.L = B.U.Y I.M.M.E.D.I.A.T.E.L.Y
I bought those two candidates: one beer that I liked, Red Tail Ale (which I will review seperately) and one that I loved, RED NECTAR. Simply put, Red Nectar is one of the most delicous, balanced and thouroughly drinkable beers I have ever had.
What else needs to be said? “An American classic – and a Gold Medal winner at the 2006 California State Fair and a Silver Medal winner at the 2005 Los Angeles County Fair and 2004 Great American Beer Festival Cheers.”