April 14th, 2007 by Andy
The Magic Hat Brewery’s Roxy Rolles sat in my refrigerator for days upon days tempting me every time I fetched various victuals (other than the beverage that thus sustains this humanoid and is the reason for the very existence of this fine blog). Nevertheless, I finally partook of the said libation and found myself once again awe struck with the fabulous inebriants the crazy cats up in Vermont manage to cultivate.
The Roxy imparts a wonderful hoppy aroma wafting from a dark amber color with slight white lacing complemented by few bubbles. The nose is captivatingly hoppy with a strong hop taste paired with an exotic spiciness that is highly reminiscent of a well brewed IPA. The ale’s finish is a pleasant bitter hoppy one that begs for another quaff (and another after that as well). I was pleasantly surprised by this beer and plan to have a few more in short order.
Indeed, the Roxy is fine beverage worthy of a barley sandwich snob such as myself. This is a seasonal brew, so when one rolls into your beer shop, pick up a few!