Oh ma gosh. BIG NEWS
I have been working a double for the last 6 1/2 months.
First job: work, then stressing about work, then stressing about family and Covid, friends who work in restaurants, then the factory and farmers who help us make delicious cigars.
Second job: collecting and analyzing data for the FDA.
As a cigar importer and distributor, we have been reporting to the FDA since they were given the authority to regulate nicotine (and therefore all tobacco) as a drug, in 2007, by the Family Care Act. Sounds nice, doesn’t it? George Carlin, where are you?
I’m going to get sushi, then finish writing this. Oh and I’m going to have a beer.
Done and done. Melvin IPA (NOW IN VA!!!!!) and sushi from Takumi. I’m happy. Know what? I’m going to drink a lot of water and get some sleep. We’ll save the government nanny bedtime stories for another day. For now, peaceful, restful, sleep.